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Falling in love or rising in love?

From the July 1985 issue of The Christian Science Journal

". . . if love never lasts forever, tell me:
What's forever for?"*

These words of a recent pop song are typical of those that waft from the radio today. The airwaves are filled with songs about our hopes and fears, our joys and disappointments about love. Oh, the power falling in love is supposed to have upon us: to make us breathless, to knock us off our feet, and to have our hearts pounding with emotion! It would appear that falling in love can be a very exhausting experience! And one that sometimes might leave us feeling vulnerable.

People seem to like the idea of falling in love, yet at other times they seem to feel trapped by it. And what about the "forever" part? Most people who think about love have hopes that love between two people can last through a lifetime. Sometimes it beautifully does. Sometimes it doesn't. People who once "fell in love" sometimes seem to "fall out of love."

* Copyright © 1978 Tree Publishing Company, Inc.; 8 Music Square West; Nashville, TN 37203. International Copyright Secured. Used by permission. All Rights Reserved. Written by Rafe VanHoy

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