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Never just routine

From the July 1985 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In Christian Science nothing is ever just routine, whether it's going to church, or studying the Bible Lesson in the Christian Science Quarterly, or sending in a renewal subscription for the periodicals. Each time, these activities call for a new, spontaneous expression of the Christ-love.

For some time I had a habit of going to sleep, so to speak, when it came time for the notices to be read at church services. The announcement "This church is a branch of The Mother Church . . ." seemed to act as an automatic cutoff to my interest. Realizing this was not right, I resolved to pay attention as the notices were read, and to be thankful for each different church activity referred to: church services, nursery, Sunday School, Reading Room, lectures, regular or special meetings. As I receptively listened to "routine" parts of the service, I found my thought more open to receive and retain fresh, healing ideas from the Lesson-Sermon as well—thoughts not seen in previous study.

The next time you attend church, try going with the attitude that this is an entirely new experience, not just a routine activity. Go as if you had never been to a Christian Science service before and wanted to see what it was like. You may be surprised at the fresh, vital thoughts you will receive from the Bible Lesson, or from the testimonies at a Wednesday evening meeting.

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