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A series of articles from past periodicals with light for present needs

Practitioner and Patient

From the July 1985 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It may be said that a Christian Science practitioner occupies a similar relation to his patient that a clear window does to a room. A window lets in light; nevertheless it is neither the light nor the source of light. As the window does not engage one's thought when he is beholding the landscape, so the practitioner is entirely subordinate to that sublime outlook on God and His creation which the patient has a right to gain. No genuine Christian Scientist desires to call attention to himself or to his personal views. The best aid that can be given a patient is to help him to think rightly for himself. The sooner the patient learns to correct his own thoughts and acts, the sooner he will manifest harmony and become a useful member of society.

It is distinctly understood in Christian Science practice that one does not need to know the life history of a patient in order to heal him. The understanding of immutable, divine Principle, rather than the knowledge of false, human beliefs, enables one to heal and to be healed. One cannot afford to give out gossip, or to listen to it, under the guise of uncovering error. Error is uncovered when it is seen to be unreal. So long as error appears real, its mask has not been removed. There is, therefore, no excuse for ignoring evil, and one must steadfastly obey the Scriptural injunction, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

Mrs. Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 206): "The exercise of the sentiments —hope, faith, love—is the prayer of the righteous. This prayer, governed by Science instead of the senses, heals the sick." How lucidly it is set forth that this hope and faith are in God alone, and that this love is the love of good, supersensual rather than sentimental.

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