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True consciousness cannot be invaded

From the July 1985 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We learn in Christian Science that consciousness is not subject to an invasion of evil thought-forces. This truth has profound implication for humanity's freedom. Since God is the only Mind, true consciousness proceeds from God and is absolutely immune from evil influences. And in truth there are no malign thought-forces to influence God's man. This is a most heartening basis for anyone who wishes to pray for mankind's God-given ability to awake and overcome the apparent encroachment on thought by evil.

Whether we're praying for ourselves, another individual, or mankind in general, our defense rests upon the spiritual understanding that man is governed by God alone. Our true identity is spiritual man, the very reflection of God. Man does not have a consciousness of his own separate from God that can express or be taken over by evil. All thoughts are established by and proceed from the divine Mind that is God, good.

It would seem, however, to the material senses, that mankind is susceptible to all kinds of insidious influences—temptations arising from the belief that life is in and of the flesh. Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, "In a world of sin and sensuality hastening to a greater development of power, it is wise earnestly to consider whether it is the human mind or the divine Mind which is influencing one." 1

1 Science and Health, pp. 82-83.

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