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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Jesus' purpose in healing . . . and ours

Jesus cited his works of spiritual healing as proof of his identity as the promised Messiah, or Christ, the chosen or anointed messenger of God to humanity (see Matt. 11:2-6).

Don't be deceived by the appearance of evil

Christ Jesus' statement "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment" John 7:24. can be very helpful to us in learning how to deal with the appearances of evil that so often present themselves in daily experience.

Brethren of promise

Jesus told his disciples they were the light of the world. See Matt.

Firmament, the basis of judgment

Because the faculties of spiritual sense express God, they are eternally perfect. They cannot be faulty, nor can they fail.

Another perspective on maturity

In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ Jesus told his disciples, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. " Matt.

Who knows enough to heal?

It's a question that confronts most of us in one form or another. A beginner may ask it.

Rise to the opportunity to heal

We all have new opportunities from time to time, opportunities that may seem quite beyond anything we've ever done before. One opportunity that renewedly comes to those who are learning something of Christian Science is the joy and privilege of healing the sick.

Man cannot fall

The doctrine of original sin, which theorizes that everyone is born a sinner, is widely believed. This doctrine presupposes that man fell from his primal perfection; and many conscientious people are convinced that there is scriptural authority for believing he did.

A right apprehension of man's origin

"The foundation of mortal discord is a false sense of man's origin. " Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures , p.

Worshiping through healing

From the first book of the Bible, spiritual healing has been linked with prayerful worship of God (see Gen. 20: 17).