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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Individual and collective rebirth

Every unfoldment of the divine idea, Christ, in human consciousness echoes in some modest way the never-to-be-surpassed advent of Christ Jesus. Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Ye must be born again.

Lift up your gratitude

Thanksgiving, as a national holiday, seems to belong predominately to the people of the United States and Canada. Yet gratitude for good can flow from the hearts of all of us no matter where we live.

Perfect Soul includes perfect body

"Soul" and "body" are terms needing much clarification. Christian Science provides this clarification, explaining that Soul is Spirit, God, and that body is Soul's spiritual reflection.

Promise and fulfillment, and marriage

Starting with finite views of life, mortals hope that promise will lead to fulfillment. But when we reason in Christian Science from the standpoint of God as Mind, the infinite One, and man as Mind's infinite idea, we recognize that completeness is already the condition of man's real being.

The continuity of our Cause

The Cause of Christian Science restores Christian healing— healing through spiritual means alone. This Cause establishes on earth the kingdom of heaven, the reign of God—divine Principle, Truth, and Love.

It may seem a monumental requirement, yet the apostle's words do not equivocate. As Christians we need to be ready and willing to do battle with whatever would oppose God.

Coping with moral confusion

De-moral-ize. Demoralize.

The importance of destroying even one sin

Christ Jesus' sacred mission shows the way to work out one's own salvation, the way to overcome sin, disease, death. In our age divine Science has been revealed as God's Comforter, at hand to elucidate the deific Principle that undergirded Jesus' words and healing ministry.

An event of universal significance

We see much of our world through the eyes of others. At the moment I'm doing just that.

The Science of creation: basis of healing

Who are we, really? What is man? Many wonder about these questions—for example, the adult marveling at a baby's intelligent responses .