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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Church proclaims Christ's Science to the world

The voice of Christ, Truth, speaks through the Church the message of Christian Science. Through the healing and teaching activities of the Church of Christ, Scientist, we can perceive that Christian Science is the demonstrable law of God that Christ Jesus practiced.

Man—immortal evidence of divine goodness

In accord with the Bible, the Christian Science textbook presents scientifically the true nature of God and man. From the basis of the textbook's inspired statements of Truth, one's study, prayer, and practical application of God's law provide life-changing insight into spiritual reality.

Why the Master could heal—and why his followers can

Christ Jesus' appearance on the human scene had been prophesied hundreds of years earlier. Spiritually discerning people were expectant.

The forces of infinite mind-forever upholding creation

The headline in a weekly news magazine announced, "Scientists Capture An Elusive Beast. " But it was no mysterious fabled creature from Loch Ness or from the snow-capped Himalayas.

Demonstrating divine exemption

God is wholly good; His allness brooks no opposite. Mrs.

Release from condemnation

One of the richest blessings of Christian Science is that it opens to us the way of release from the feelings of condemnation that are intrinsic to the mortal sense of our identity. According to Christian Science, sinful states of thought are condemned to suffering and to their own self-destruction, because they are excluded from the reality of God's harmonious creation.

Following our Leader

Because Mrs. Eddy put on record the Science of Christ, the eternal laws of God that Jesus taught and practiced, she commands a unique respect and affection among those whose lives have been helped and healed by Christian Science.

Points of metaphysics: shelter and nourish them

True Science underlies genuine Christian healing. An understanding of this divine Science brings healing to the broad range of human illness and immorality.

Our Leader's continuing leadership

Christian Scientists often refer to Mary Baker Eddy as their Leader. An inquirer might wonder just what this means.

Quietly applauded

Those who play team sports know the value of a crowd eagerly cheering them on. A high-school football team grinding toward the goal line works a little harder and feels a stronger impulsion to win when the crowds are verbally pushing it forward.