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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The Christian Science textbook contains a pivotal chapter titled "Recapitulation. " It is this chapter of questions and answers in Science and Health that the author, Mary Baker Eddy, informs us comprises a careful revision of her class-book—that earlier manuscript having formed the basis of her class teaching in the first years after her discovery.

An important point in healing

The Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy can be studied from many perspectives. If we dig into them with a specific desire to learn how to heal more effectively, we'll find fresh views and clear direction.

A religion of the heart

Christian Science is a religion of the heart. Its meaning really cannot be grasped just in the head, as a theory.

Not false Christs nor anti-Christ, but the Christ-man

The author points out that Christ is man's ideal selfhood, and the anti-Christ is ”anything that regards man as less than this ideal.”

The continuity of being excludes termination

How can we define continuity of life? In one way, doesn't it imply uninterrupted activity? It also means permanence and persistence without essential change, extending beyond the mortal, illusory limitations of time and space. That which evidences spiritual continuity is eternal.

The Christ-example: reflection and healing

In searching for an understanding of our true identity, we soon learn in Christian Science that man is in reality God's reflection. But what does this mean to us? We find the answers richly illumined in Christ Jesus' words and example.

Divine Science and Pentecostal power

What happened on the Day of Pentecost almost twenty centuries ago is not just a matter of history. Like Christ Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension (with which it is sequentially related), the Pentecostal experience has a vital place in our lives today.

Spiritual healing, public response

People who do not understand divine healing sometimes react with unexpected views when they discover examples of such healing in their community or neighborhood. One family found this out in an interesting way.

Language and Christian Science

Whether one uses English or some other tongue, he soon finds that in studying Christian Science he's learning a new language. In a certain sense a translation is necessary—the exchanging of traditional and matter-bound meanings of important words for their spiritual and metaphysical definitions.

Religion: the awakener of the people

Think for a moment what life would be like if religion offered you no meaning—suppose you felt no belief in a Supreme Being. There would probably be a more radical difference than can easily be imagined because, for many people, a love of God is central to consciousness.