Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.
The doctrine of original sin, which theorizes that everyone is born a sinner, is widely believed. This doctrine presupposes that man fell from his primal perfection; and many conscientious people are convinced that there is scriptural authority for believing he did.
"The foundation of mortal discord is a false sense of man's origin. " Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures , p.
From the first book of the Bible, spiritual healing has been linked with prayerful worship of God (see Gen. 20: 17).
The author points out that “the more we pray and ponder the spiritual facts of existence, rejoice in their ever-presence, utilize them in our daily experience, the more we experience a conscious wide-awakeness to spiritual reality.“
We're constantly making choices about what to think but sometimes don't realize we're choosing. One person, for example, may view a situation as threatening.
To be the child of God is to be dearly loved. It is to be created in God's image.
There is only one divine Principle, God, and only one divine teaching of that Principle. Through His Christ, Truth, God has revealed Himself, His all-controlling laws, and His perfect creation, including spiritual man.
Every day the flood tides of humanity's troubles seem to wash stronger at our own doorstep, touching our lives in innumerable ways. The urgencies of strife at home and abroad, of worldly confusion and suffering, and of potentially apocalyptic technology drive home the increasing necessity to deal with mankind's needs in our daily prayers.
There's something about the start of a new year that makes people resolve, "I'm going to do better this year. " And for a while we often do manage to maintain our resolutions.
In answer to the question "How would you define Christian Science?" Mrs. Eddy writes, "As the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony.