We all have new opportunities from time to time, opportunities that may seem quite beyond anything we've ever done before. One opportunity that renewedly comes to those who are learning something of Christian Science is the joy and privilege of healing the sick. If we shy away from this demand because we feel hesitant about this responsibility, we might examine our thoughts about it again. Usually we'll find it's not that we don't want to fulfill this requirement, but that we're not confident of our ability to heal. However, we can conquer any feelings of inadequacy and obey the Master's command "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give." Matt. 10:8.
Perhaps it's the last part of Christ Jesus' words that can give us help in overcoming fear of inadequacy. What have we "freely received" that we can "freely give" to others? Doesn't it include spiritual understanding of what man truly is, what he reflects, as the idea of God?
The disciples had the example of Jesus' spiritual loving and living. And they did, to a great extent, fulfill Jesus' command to heal the sick. Today we have not only Jesus' incomparable example but also the revealed Science of being to strengthen us—the exact statement of the Word of God that explains our Master's method of healing.