Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.
Letters & Conversations
Germany. Is Science and Health translated, or to be translated, into the German language? How I desired such a copy in Berlin! where the opportunity was offered me, in connection with my landlady, to introduce Christian Science to her—the first she had ever heard the term used.
Christian Science in St. Joseph is slowly but surely gaining a firm foothold, and many who a year or six months ago were bitterly opposed, are now reaching out for the Truth.
Extracts from letters addressed to Rev. Mary B.
From the "Northwest. " The work is being started here in the smaller villages, as the result of a call from one who, having been brought out of bondage into the "glorious liberty "of the sons and daughters of God, wished that others might "know the doctrine" that sets us free.
Letter of Advice to a Friend. God indeed leads when we let Him; but, to have him lead, we must follow the narrow, straight road that Jesus the Christ has mapped out for us.
At Toronto, Canada, recently a Christian Scientist was applied to for treatment by a man already condemned by medical science to speedy death. He improved under the treatment, but receiving a visit from his minister, the latter urged calling a doctor.
"A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM. " Why do professing Scientists close their eyes to the "fact of being," drop back to the sense dream, and hold the children in the dream with them? I have read the suggestions, given in the Journal, regarding a Children's Quarterly, and have taken up the same error that many others must have allowed.
It is at Buffalo as at other cities that the doors of the majority of the denominational churches close after about the first of July. There are two reasons assigned; one, that "It is too hot inside doors;" the other, that "the pastor needs to go away and get more life.
The announcement that a lesson-help for the children is in contemplation makes me glad. In my class (ages eight to twelve) I see every week the need of a lesson help for them—for their aid in studying the lessons for themselves.
In "Notes from the Field" we hear our brothers' voice from month to month, which is always an inspiration in our onward march to the "Promised Land;" how you are and where you are. Herein we see the fulfilment of the words, "The God inspired walks calmly on, though it be with bleeding footsteps, and hereafter they shall reap as they have sown.