Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.
Letters & Conversations
I just want to tell you what a rut some of the Christian Scientists fall into by not taking the Journal. I do not exclude myself at all, for I ought to have subscribed for it two years ago.
IT IS GOD WHO REALIZES. On returning from the country a few evenings since, I found a call to "come quickly" awaiting me.
Practical Thoughts It seems to me that we are inclined to cry "peace, peace," while victory still sits perched upon error's banner. We have learned through Science and Health that evil is unreal, i.
I want to add my mite to the testimony of those who, through the understanding of Divine Science, ascribe to God the glory for that which has indeed made all things new to them. For several years I have labored with the world's "bread-winners," my chosen field of work that of school teaching.
It has been thought expedient to organize another church in the upper part of New York city, to which Mrs. Laura Lathrop is called as Pastor.
I send you herewith a letter received from one who was (seemingly) led astray through false teaching, and who, as a consequence, has been bitter towards the Journal, but who always read Science and Health together with other, so-called, Christian Science literature. Truly is the Scripture being fulfilled: "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
I think few of us realize how much Christian Science has done to change our modes of thought, and topics of conversation, until we listen for a few minutes to the conversation of those about us, and find how void, how entirely empty of interest to us, most of the talk is. We feel, even more than we see and hear, the "crying want," which is the companion of material means, and which is so fully supplied and satisfied by Christian Science, when we come to know it and live it.
I know you will be interested to know that my mother is well and happy . She has gained so rapidly during the past week,— it is really wonderful.
About four or five weeks ago, during my absence from home, our house was entered by burglars. Relatives, who were left in charge of the house, were confronted by a man holding a pistol, and demanding money.
It is with great pleasure I can assure you our meetings and our views are in line with Science and Health; some of us may be classed as lukewarm, but all are loyal to its teaching, so far as they understand. We belong to the farming class, and, in this sparsely settled country, perhaps, are not subjected to temptation, as in densely populated districts, where, generally, something new is constantly "on the go" to tempt the unstable.