Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.
Letters & Conversations
Cambridge, Mass. , October 23, 1893.
I am only a child in Christian Science, but all the world could not buy from me what I have already learned from studying Science and Health. My health had been very poor indeed, and finally I was forced to give up business.
ABOUT nine years ago our daughter passed on; just before her earth life closed, she asked to have a Christian Science healer; it was the first time our attention had been called to the subject (supposing it was some "ism"). We were told that before the healer would take the case we must discharge the M.
I wish to acknowledge through the columns of the Journal what Christian Science has done for me. Seven years ago, after a long sickness, I was given up to die by three of our best physicians.
Having been greatly benefited by the experiences of others which have been given through the Journal, it came to me that others might receive some help from a few thoughts on the subject of the Woman's Congress, which, was the first of the one hundred congresses to convene on the grounds of the World's Fair during its continuance. In studying its different phases I learned many lessons which have been helpful to me.
I rejoice to see the progress our Cause is making all along the line. How well loyal Scientists are beginning to understand that they must all shout together if the walls of Jericho fall, —that is, the backbone of error be broken! All humanity will sometime be freed from the bondage of the senses, and "He whose right it is shall reign.
THREE years last month I went to a Christian Scientist with the hope that I might get strength enough to enable me to get to my sister's home in the east to die, as I had no expectation of being cured or having my life prolonged for any length of time. I had been told to prepare to die, and while it was a hard saying to me, I accepted it as inevitable.
The members of our little Church of Christ Scientist are growing in the right direction. In fact we are striving to keep the door closed to error, and open to Truth.
Sixteen months ago I was awakened from a dream of invalidism to the consciousness of God's ever-present Love. For twelve years I had been unable to walk over one block, and was suffering constant pain.
The following is a copy of a letter written to Bro. Chase, the new treasurer, and is a fair example of many which he receives.