Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.
Letters & Conversations
Lansingburgh, N. Y.
Dear Journal: It will be necessary perhaps, to explain how I came to receive the enclosed letter from Mr. Farlow,— it is as follows.
For over twenty years I was a great sufferer from spinal disease and rheumatism. My troubles seemed specially aggravated in the winter season.
I THINK the first time I ever heard of Christian Science was in February, 1891, while visiting my sister in G— N. H.
Having seen the Power of God manifested in so many ways, I am impelled to write down a few cases of healing, which have come under my personal observation. Fifteen years ago, a woman in a state of frenzy, discharged two bullets into her head.
I Have been lame since babyhood. I have been in Christian Science five years.
In 1885 I lost, through piano paralysis, the use of my right hand and arm. Everything was done that could he by the medical profession, also by the kind and loving care of friends.
I FEEL it a duty, as well as a Privilege, to toll the world the wonderful work done by Christian Science in the healing of my son. On the night of June first he went to his father's trunk factory to turn out the eras that had been carelessly left burning in a small drying-room; from lack of oxygen the gas had gone out in this room, and of course it was filled with the gas.
From early childhood I earnestly sought the Truth, and at an early age joined the Methodist church. I had been trained to believe that this was the nearest to the Truth, and for many years endeavored to live up to my highest understanding of its teachings.
We take the liberty of copying a letter which accompanied an order for Science and Health, the Journal, and a lot of German tracts. Dresden, May, 1895.