ABOUT nine years ago our daughter passed on; just before her earth life closed, she asked to have a Christian Science healer; it was the first time our attention had been called to the subject (supposing it was some "ism"). We were told that before the healer would take the case we must discharge the M. D.s, which, with our understanding we could not do; consequently we are left to mourn the loss of our daughter.
I then decided to investigate for myself. I was advised by a dear friend, a loyal Christian Science healer, to commence reading Science and Health with an unprejudiced mind, comparing its teachings with the Scriptures. I did as requested, and from that moment it has proved a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. With a knowledge of God as the only power disease disappears.
I have been healed every time I have turned to Truth for help, and to-day I am physically well and nothing could induce me to resort to medicine.