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New Haven, Ct., July 15, 1893

From the October 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

New Haven, Ct., July 15, 1893. Lieut. C. L. A. Totten, in an interview to-day, gave the following as his opinion of the financial crisis.

"It seems inconceivable to me that, amid all this rapidly increasing epidemic of disaster, misnamed accident, no one dares, in spilling a myriad editorials all through the press, to assign the real cause, and to add a sober comment to the warnings I have so persistently uttered during the last four years. We are nearing the sound of the 11th stroke of the midnight hour. Its nature is apparently financial, but in reality the confusion of affairs enters into every order of human policy. The human race has sown this wind, and is about to reap the whirlwind.

"We are at the termination of the times of the Gentiles, and the period of judgment has actually begun. Things will not get better, but rather worse. In March I pointed out the sounding of the 10th stroke of the midnight hour, and announced the June solstice for the 11th. I now reiterate the statement that was made, to wit, that the autumnal equinox will mark the 12th stroke, and the consequences will follow in an orderly and chronological manner.

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