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From the October 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. — 1 Thes. v. 6.

THE present disturbed condition of the commercial world affords an object lesson of no small importance, when viewed in the light which Christian Science has revealed.

The political economist seeks to trace out the causes which have led to such disastrous results, in a nation whose marvellous growth and prosperity have awakened the admiration and even the envy of the civilized world, and finds much to enlist his thought, both as to the remote and immediate cause of the present startling conditions, as well as a possible remedy. In all his reasoning we may trace, however, one prominent feature: the fundamental premises on which he bases his conclusions will be determined by the principles of the political party of which he may be an adherent. Thus we find a wide difference of opinion expressed, as political bias, sectional strife, local interests, and personal ends, have swayed thought, and warped sound judgment. Reasoning from the standpoint of the senses, — as all human thinkers do, because of their ignorance of any other, — their conclusions must at best be fallible and uncertain; and for the same reason the expedients which are adopted to meet such emergencies, are found to be but evasions of the true issue.

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