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Letters & Conversations

Housework used to be very irksome to me, but now I can say...

From the March 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Housework used to be very irksome to me, but now I can say I like to skim the milk, and churn. The money I get for the little butter I have to sell I devote to Christian Science literature and work. I see that if I ever overcome housework or any thing else, it must be done scientifically; then I shall be ready for some higher duty. My home is in the country, and I know of but little going on among Scientists except what I read in the Journal. My neighbors on each side have been healed, and are getting interested, and that makes it pleasant for me.

Isn't it grand to live in the latter part of the nineteenth century, and help to voice the Truth; and be able to find out who and what we are, and where we're going, and how to go! I think it is. —

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