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From the March 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Will, not some brother or sister Scientist give experience in acquiring a knowledge of Science and Health and the Bible? Is there not some systematic course one could pursue to advantage in the study of Christian Science without a teacher? —

There is a simple and effective way to study Science and Health, and through understanding of this, our text-book, a way to study the Bible.

Christian Science is Science. Science has always its technical terminology. In Christian Science there are between fifty and sixty technical terms which have been chosen with wisdom and judgment that the world — if it understood — would call inspiration. The meaning of these terms may be found by a careful, impartial study of their root-meaning, and the habits and custom of the times and peoples that gave them birth. The need that gives any word birth is the life of that word. Words that have lost their original meaning through accretion, misuse, or ignorance are dead; but are raised from the dead when their life is again brought to light. Jesus said of the words of Christian Science (his words) "They are Spirit and are Life."

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