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Our Church Building

From the March 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Is being "brought within the range of the senses," and is a demonstration of what every lover and follower of the teachings of Christian Science is discerning in Principle. Someone has defined "city" and "church" to be an assemblage of people for a high purpose; a place where even a few are gathered together and "He in the midst of them." The Church of Christ was to be builded upon the Rock, and the gates of hell should not prevail against it. The "high purpose" that has gathered together in one place the hearts of those who discern the Rock upon which His church is builded, is to present to humanity a house of God in the true sense, the spiritual sense, the living sense which gave force to Jesus' words to Peter.

How many of us have thought deeply on what this fruition of loving hopes means to the cause of Christian Science in its ministry to the world? It is to be" the vine "of -which all local assemblies for the same high purpose "are the branches," an outward evidence of true unity, oneness of mind in Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessing of discernment, obedience, courage, patience, sacrifice, faithfulness, forbearance, Love, rests upon every foot of the ground, and upon every brick and stone from foundation to pinnacle. It is a "temple not built with hands," but by hearts that know and love the one God and only Son. Gratitude, humility, joy and gladness will be ours if, at the coming triennial, the cheerful, loving builders are privileged to assemble from "the four corners of the earth," a peculiar people, a nation, to meet in this temple for the high purpose of giving account of faithful stewardship.

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