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From the March 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Building Fund, Church of Christ (Scientist), Boston, Mass.

Receipts, November 2, 1891, to January 31, 1892, inclusive.

November. — A. J. Dane, 820; Mrs. J. O. Sitman, $5; Jennie L. Bryan, $25; Mrs. A. S. Marston, $2; Libbie Oldshaw, $1; Mrs. Geo. H. Meader, $250; Mrs. A. M. Kent, $100; Lydia Conant, $1; Mrs. Delia Hall Rigby, $15; B. B. C, $5: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Goddard, $2; Miss Mary Pheland, $2; Barbara M. prince, $2; Cynthia Vance, $1; Kate E. Rousseau, $50; David S. Wade, 88; Emma Morath, $1.9:3; H. A. Haman, $3: Mrs. J. H. Flagg, $5; Mrs. and Miss Humber, $5; Lewis Prescott, $3; Miss Nellie Gaunt, $2; F. and E. Todd, $0.50; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Todd, $5; R. S. and G. Todd, $0.50; Mother and Daughter, $3; Mary L. Bonier, $5; T. W. Hatten, $10; C. M. S. Sweeney, $1; H. Barrell, $5; Mrs. Davis, $1; Miss Smith, $1; Friend, $5; Miss Alice Jennings, $3; Mrs. E. Skinner, $50; Students through Emma J. Hall, $6; Elizabeth Salsbury, $5; Mrs. A. Semple, $3; Boston Sunday School, $32; Miss E. M. Wright, $5: Mrs. W. G. Godsoe, $5; C. S. Students, $3; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis, $4; C. S. Students, Dubois, Neb., $15; Elsie and Daisy Bell, $5; Clinton Mo., Sunday School, $2; Mrs. E. C. Burdick, $5; Sue Ella Bradshaw, $15; Wm. Ridgway, $100; Mrs. J. C. Warron, $5; Miss Carrie Kenney, $1; Mrs. A. P. Watson, $5; S. C. Davis, $2.50; Mrs. E. M. Foster, $10; Mrs. L. P. Clark, $1; Mrs. Mary B. Jones, $1; Friend, $3; Henry R. Paine, $11; Mrs. L. H. Kite, $2; Mrs. E. G. Parker, $2; Sarah Wilber, $1; Mrs. S. W. Battey, $2; Mrs. A. Ransom, $25; C. S. Students, Lowell, $25.

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