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Letters & Conversations


From the January 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I just want to tell you what a rut some of the Christian Scientists fall into by not taking the Journal. I do not exclude myself at all, for I ought to have subscribed for it two years ago. Error said: "Don't take it, and don't read it. God is just the same to you as he is to others." Just as soon, however, as I commenced reading it, everything changed; the false statement before the five personal senses gave away, and "all things became new." I want to tell this, as it may help someone else in the journey.—

September 19th, a small number of Christian Scientists gathered at the home of one of their number, where the organization of The Church of Christ (Scientist), with membership of twelve, was completed. Quarters centrally located have since been secured for Church service; also to be used for Reading Rooms, and Dispensary work at all times except Sunday. The desire so long cherished, that a Christian Science home might be established here, open to friends, strangers, and all who desired to investigate this living Truth, has been met; and great is the rejoicing for this victory of Truth.—

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