Jesus came down from the mountain to teach the multitude; but, he brought with him, from the heights, a breath of pure air that was life-giving to all who came near enough to inhale it. While we need, oft, to go up into the mountain, we too must come down to the multitudes, and lead them to the Father both by precept and example—by letting them see that we are "tempted in all points" like as they are, and, through the keeping of his sayings, are overcoming daily. This is the only way in which we can do the Master's work for humanity. Our willingness to do His work can only be shown to the dis-eased world, by humbly walking among the nations, as he walked.
Jesus said, "I came not to judge the world, but to save the world." The Truth he taught, judges. We need no defence if we are honestly seeking Truth for Truth's sake, and not for what it may bring to the senses. We are studying to know the true man—The Son of God—not that we may have a better counterfeit of him, but that we may have no counterfeit at all. The serpent would not bite, or attempt to slime us over, if we were not coming to life. Let us welcome every evidence that we have heard His voice and are following the Truth.