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Every man does the best that he knows

From the January 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every man does the best that he knows.

Knowledge is a compelling power; belief is chance.

Knowledge is a full-rigged and full-manned ship in a calm sea with the sun, or north star in full view; belief, a rudderless, compassless, masterless boat on a troubled sea in a starless night, driven hither and thither by every wind, or storm of opinion or excitement.

Knowledge is calm, steadfast, dignified; belief is anxious, changing, and ever waiting, "cap in hand" for some one to lead the way.

It is the law of thought to externalize itself—first upon the thinker and his environments, and then upon mankind. It is said; "Whatsoever you decree shall be established unto you." "Whatsoever ye sow that shall ye also reap." Hence this absolute rule for the growth and guidance of all who would know the Truth and do the Truth:—"Think, speak only that which you desire to have made manifest."

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