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Testimonies of Healing

I had no perception of the healing power of Truth until about...

From the January 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I had no perception of the healing power of Truth until about a year ago. Four years ago I was as the man born blind. My eyes had to be opened to see the Truth. At that time Christian Science was urged upon me, but I had seen nothing in the Scientists I met in S— to commend it to me, for they took up with every new thing, Theosophy, Spiritualism, and everything else that came up. I knew it was not the God I worshiped, for God is Love. But now I see how many have claimed to be Scientists who knew nothing of it. When I received the last three numbers of the Journal, and read the testimonials there given, I fell at His feet, and worshiped Him whose nature and whose name is Love. There are two others here who are following in the Way. I have Science and Health, and another lady has sent for one. —

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