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"The cause of all suffering is the loss of the knowledge...

From the January 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"The cause of all suffering is the loss of the knowledge of God," and of our relation to Him and His universe.

To know God is to know the true ego, the real self; and to know the spiritual or real self is to know all that we need to know, and be able to consciously drink at the fountain of all knowledge and wisdom.

We need not store up knowledge, for all knowledge is already stored up and simply waits for us to use it.

"If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God."
"One that is perfect in knowledge is with thee."
"The Lord is a God of knowledge."
"Seek ye first his righteousness and kingdom and all these things shall be superadded to you."

Seek ye first the knowledge of the kingdom of God, and the rightness of thought which that knowledge gives.

It is also said "ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." The knowledge of the Truth shall make you free.

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