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Testimonies of Healing

The story of my being healed should have been told some...

From the January 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The story of my being healed should have been told some time ago, no doubt, though I have waited for various—if unsound—reasons, until the comfort given me by the letters in the September Journal, opened my eyes to the possible help the recital of its effects may give to some one else.

For years an invalid who could take no share in work outside my home, I have, since being healed (more than four years ago), taken an active part in many kinds of work, and can say with truth, that scarce a moment of my time is passed unoccupied. That a few lingering beliefs come back to me at rare intervals, I must confess, but I believe they come from a misappropriation of my labors; since like too many other women honestly inclined, I am drawn into schemes that are not just His work, so it is little wonder error claims us for its own in consequence. It does not discourage, though I am much ashamed of my struggles to triumph over such unreal foes.

It may not be out of place to tell what I have done with my first copy (purchased four years ago) of Science and Health, and all my Journals up to date, as it may suggest a similar plan of action on the part of others. After asking for and receiving permission, I sent them to a "Home" for discharged prisoners; and I can but feel the seed will be sown in a field well worth our while to cultivate. The Sabbath School Lessons are much help to me.—

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