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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.


The morn awakes, and I behold with quick, glad eye The beauty of the hills. Once through my tears They loomed so far and bleak against the darkling sky That weary hopes grew into silent fears.


I sing not now as once I sang, In mournful strain, When clouds of sense dimmed all my skies, And years were vain. I sing not so, for God hath given A glad new song, Whose wondrous words hang on my lips, The whole day long,— A song of truth, effulgent, bright, With Love's sunshine; A song of freedom, health, and peace, Of joy divine.


"For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light. "— Ephesians 5:8.


Ofttimes I've paused, Longing for joy, for happiness, for health, Which seemed denied me. Sorrow appeared my lot; unhappiness my portion.


Awakening from sleep one prayed, "Thy kingdom come. " The sky was clear; bird-songs were In the air, and voices of happy children; The reign of Truth, and Life, and Love Was gaining establishment within; Fear and sinful thoughts were being cast out; For in the consciousness where good holds sway, There is no abiding place for evil.


Sunken are our landmarks beneath the sea's rim, And the night is coming on; The gleam upon the water is shimmering and dim, And far away is dawn. Wide is the sky that arches over all— Wide is the sea.


She cast in all she had, the Master said. The thronging crowds made way; then smiled in scorn.


It is to Thee the song birds trill In liquid notes so full and clear, A warbling melody that floats In joyous rapture through the air. But mine, dear God, the listening ear, That hears Thy voice speak from above, And opens wide awakened thought, To look "through Nature" up to Love.


Child of God, how fair thy heritage! E'en all that's pure and beautiful and good, And only good! Child of God, how bright thy promise is; For all of love is thine to live, And bless withal! Child of God, arise and claim thine own! Fulfillment of the promise is at hand; Look round about,—the fields are whitening. Go, use thy gift! Child of God, now thy dominion take, That all unlike thy Father be no more; Then shall the earth yield good, And good alone! Ah, child of God, how fair thy heritage!


As Enoch heard God's voice, and talked with Him, Companioning with Mind as with a dear, Familiar friend, in sacred high content Discoursing on realities,—for Mind Communes with holy thought, dissolving all The fragile dreams of earth's entanglements,— So, seeking Love, men once again shall hear God's voice; and hearing, gladly shall they speak With Him, asking how they, as Enoch did, May traverse Love's domain. Then shall the hates Of earth disperse; the din of strife shall cease; And men, as brothers walking, shall converse On Love's design, each seeking how he may Excel in love; promoting thus his own In others' good.