Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
Like a proud ship, by restless waters tossed, Safely at anchor held in depths below, Swept by the storms, strained by the surging tides, Yet steadfast, midst their ceaseless ebb and flow,— So, on the sea of human doubt and fear, With darkling clouds of mortal sense above, My soul is anchored in the invisible, Fathomless deeps of everlasting Love.
When through thy life to other lives A ray of hope shall come; When in thy thought true charity Shall ever find a home; When healing Truth its light shall shed Where clouds of sense have hung, And joy, in some long-saddened heart, Its song again has sung; Then shall reflected Truth and Love The perfect image find, And erring mortal sense and self Yield to the might of Mind.
I have named His name; Now I must prove the way. It matters not how weary lies the road, Nor how the senses seem to hold their sway, Nor heavy, burdened, seems the load,— I have named my heavenly Father's name, And I can prove the way! I have named His name; Now I must walk with Him.
O Father , Thou dost hear my prayer; My hope soars high. Thy tender love dost flood my heart, For Thou art nigh.
Sweetly the song of spring's first meadow lark Falls on the listening and grateful ear; Though clouds hang low, though chill the day and dark, His notes rise jubilant, and sweet, and clear. What of the sky? His joyous song doth mark The spring's glad days, most welcome of the year.
List to the voice of Truth, my friend; Thy talents to its treasury send; And thou shalt reap a dividend Well worth the taking! See evil having naught of worth; Let dust return as dust to earth; And never bring it into birth By image making!
My life is filled with joy supreme, As day by day I know That all true peace and happiness From heavenly sources flow. And now no more the threatening clouds Are filled with fear and dread; But break in blessings infinite On my protected head.
The fulness of him that filleth all in all. — Ephesians 1:23.
O world , sad world of human hearts like mine, Whom Jesus lived to save, What can I do? I long to lessen mortal pain and woe, To help bring light and good, which always bless, And end all pain and bring all happiness. Humanity emerging, struggling through, You cannot answer me; You do not know And I must ask it at the gates of God, And follow humbly as God daily leads; He only knows how I can help your needs.
It shot across the waiting void Of winter's cheerless night, The radiance of a star-born thought, A flash of living light. One watcher lone descried its gleam With eager, searching eyes; One heart was ready to receive The message from the skies.