Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
What is hope? "Tis but a seedling Rooting in the sod, Which with timid strength, upheaving, Lifts at last the clod Of the senses' deep depression, Finding thus the light And the promise of fruition,— Understanding's might.
" What is truth?" a man of power once asked Before an angry crowd, who firmly stood Demanding God's elect should then be led To give up Life, they thought, through human blood. These people could not grasp how God's idea In other form than mortal man could be: The very truth they sought was present there.
We thought when we were troubled, or in sorrow, or in pain, If our pow'r of will redoubled we perhaps could smile again; We would try to keep our dear ones from the sorrow they would feel If we dropped the forced appearance of a joy that was not real. And we sometimes quite succeeded in our effort—for a time; But a stronger pow'r was needed; pain can will pow'r undermine.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. —Gal.
Be still and know that God is good And God is everywhere: He holds us ever in His love, There is never aught to fear. Be still and know that God is Truth And Truth is ever nigh, It is our help in every need If on it we rely.
At-one with God, our loving Father-Mother, His children all—and man to man is brother, Reflecting His dear love to one another. Grant us Thy love.
O Hungry heart, why stand and gaze, Outside the open door? The Christ himself bids enter, What would ye have him more? Within you'll find contentment, rest, Peace, harmony, and love; The truth that maketh all men free Will all your cares remove. O hungry heart, come, taste, and see How sweet is life and true; The promises that Jesus gave Were meant for me and you.
To live—not for some joy that lies ahead, Some beautiful but vague Elysian field; But find that in real living joy is shed In radiant light that daily blessings yield. To work—not to accomplish some great end, Some distant fortune or long sought career; But, in those duties that to-morrows send, Learn that the goal we seek is ever here.
NOW girds he for the conflict In the armor of the Lord; With righteousness his breastplate, And the Word of God his sword; Nor can he be defeated, whate'er the battle's length, For the joy of the Lord is his strength! Let those who fight by Michael Both strength and courage bring, For swift he follows after Each evil-seeming thing; Nor ever looks behind him, nor fears whate'er betide, And a pillar of fire is his guide! O wondrous sons of morning! Serene in strength they go, Michael and all his angels With flaming swords aglow. No sound of pain or sorrow is heard when they destroy, But the sons of God shouting for joy!
OUR Master said to the widow's son: Young man, I say Arise! And a victory over death was won, To the mother's glad surprise. And then, Talitha cumi, To the little maid he said, And the shadow dark and gloomy Was gone; for she was not dead.