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[Written for the Journal]


From the August 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Rebellious Israel spake against the Lord,
How irksome seemed obedience to His word;
Then came the fiery serpents, and in pain,
With tears repentant sought they Him again.
But Moses with his pure uplifted thought
Glimpsed this great truth—that God created naught
That poisonous or harmful e'er could be;
And, symbolizing this where all could see,
He raised the brazen serpent on a pole,
And all who looked, obeying, were made whole.

If Israel, with the veil upon their heart,
Were healed when Moses' understanding set apart
One error from creation, then shall we,
In the clear light of Jesus' ministry,
Fear when we walk the wilderness to-day,
Where evil, or the serpent thought, claims sway?
Nay even as Moses lifted up, of old,
His highest concept, so will good unfold,
As Science now uplifts the Son of man,
Showing him sinless in God's perfect plan;
No channel left for error's subtlety,
For we have Truth, and Truth shall make us free.

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