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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude...

From the August 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me and mine. I first learned what Christian Science is through a dear sister, and I have thanked God many times for the truths it has taught me. I was healed of pleurisy in one treatment, and have also been healed of fever and very bad colds. A son was taken ill with influenza and pneumonia. He was unconscious for five days and the end seemed to be near. We called a practitioner who told us not to have any fear, that God would hear our prayers, and He truly did. My son is a well and strong man to-day. He was also healed of the smoking habit of years' standing. My little granddaughter broke her arm and the only help she had was God's protecting care, and the arm is normal as any child's. For all these blessings I am very grateful, and to Mrs. Eddy, who pointed out this beautiful new-old truth to us.—

As my mother has testified, I have been healed of influenza and pneumonia. I would like to express my thankfulness to God, and loving gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for what Christian Science has done for me. —

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