Questions & Answers
To be the dove's dry land! To have humility enough to be a resting place for the descent of the Holy Ghost. To be pure and unselfed enough, yielding and obedient enough, to receive the divine power, heal under divine authority.
"Father, I was so sure You'd designated the way I must take to go forward— and now there's a terrible snake blocking my path. Please show me some other way.
Beneath a bright star shining A little child lay in the straw, Who guessed he would move mountains And reveal Christ—Truth—without flaw? Bright angels sang Hallelujah That blessed day on earth, As Mary knew, deep within her The joy of a wondrous birth. Though brief would be his sojourn, And his manner mild and meek, His words will last and heal forever, With such wisdom did he speak Of redemption, love, and glory, Of life, never ever to cease; For all mankind, his coming, For all, the assurance of peace.
He answered me before I called or knew there would be need, His angels waiting to be heard at heart's consent to heed. Remember, self, and never doubt the answer always there before the question or the cry becomes unspoken prayer.
Student : I've long wanted to be here but didn't make it before. The usual reasons: not ready, other commitments, no funds.
Jesus had a body! He proved it wasn't mortal or material— he walked on water. He proved it was the embodiment of Godlike, spiritual qualities— he walked, unseen, through an angry crowd.
We must be "a doorkeeper in the house of [our] God.
When nights seem dark and endless, Restless, sleepless, Fraught with fear and worldly care, I turn to God and hear an angel message say: "Awake, arise, watch and pray. " The clear shining of divine Love's light Reveals God's gentleness and might.
Jesus had told him, hadn't he? You will betray me— Before two cockcrows—times three. And so he did— He hid, He lied, He denied.
What but Love could be the source of being the cause of creation the author of infinity, taking delight in intelligence, beauty, and joy? What but Love could encircle its universe with warmth and tenderness, cherishing each idea with powerful blessing, knowing and feeling "You are all mine!" What but Love could love life enough to unfold it forever?