Testimonies of Healing
When I was in Sao Paulo in Brazil in 1892, I dislocated my knee. I was laid up in consequence for about six weeks, but really I should have remained quiet somewhat longer.
I am studying Christian Science but am not a Christian Scientist, though I hope to be one some day. I began the study through curiosity, prompted by the healing of my little daughter.
Last summer a little boy seven years old had his finger torn off almost to the first joint. At first he did not notice it; but in a few minutes he cried because of fright, those around were manifesting such fear.
I have read many demonstrations by young people and would like to add mine. Last fall, about a mile from home, I tried to "hop" a two-horse wagon loaded with iron fence.
I had never heard anything good of Christian Science until eighteen months ago, when a friend from Germany who had been healed visited me, and even then I was very much against it, thinking she had been healed only because it was her nerves from which she suffered. About four months later I began to look into Christian Science, and was persuaded to have absent treatment.
Truly may it be said, the darkest hour just precedes the dawn, for indeed, I had despaired of ever being healed of that so-called incurable disease, asthma. My physician had prescribed a change of climate, and I had just returned from a three months' stay in Canada where I had expected to have my health entirely restored, but to my dismay I came home very little improved.
Failing to find physical ease after ten years' persistent adherence to the laws of materia medica, hygiene, and physiology, I turned to Christian Science. After reading the text-book, Science and Health, I found it was not a physical system out of order, but a mental system in dis-order; that there was no good in the thought-material I had been building with.
I have to acknowledge the very rapid healing by Christian Science of a very badly cut and injured hand, also the escape without a scratch from an accident where the on-lookers thought the person would surely be killed. I ascribe this complete deliverance entirely to the fact that we had been obeying the Scriptural commandment to "Watch.
Several years ago while in Chicago I first heard of Christian Science. I had been a great sufferer and almost an invalid for many years.
When I was fifteen years old, I became converted at a revival meeting, and soon after joined the Presbyterian Church. A few months later, leaving the town in which I was then living, I moved to Kansas City and joined the First Congregational Church of that city.