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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

I wish to make a grateful acknowledgment for the many...

I wish to make a grateful acknowledgment for the many benefits I have received through the understanding of Christian Science. Coming to it for relief from intense physical suffering, I little dreamed it was to set forever at rest my longing for Truth.

I was always an unhealthy, sensitive child, and much effort was made to receive help through materia medica. I went away from home to boarding school when fifteen years old, but suffered much from spinal, eye, and lung disease, and most of all from unhappiness and fear.

It is about ten years since I first became interested in Christian Science. It came to me in answer to my earnest prayers to be shown the Truth.

A very severe illness, when a young child left me with...

A very severe illness, when a young child left me with many disorders, which I was told would be outgrown. Some of them did disappear, but the most serious remained and increased with my growth.

Four years ago Christian Science was brought to my attention. I had just returned from Hahneman Hospital where I had undergone two very severe and painful operations; the only consolation I received was, "We have not reached what we hoped for in your case," from the surgeon who had the case in charge.

A lady attending our Communion services in December,...

A lady attending our Communion services in December, 1899, was healed during the morning service of a disease that had settled in her arm for over a year. A young lady who was troubled for some years with stomach and organic troubles, and had been attended by some of the leading physicians, who pronounced her a lifelong invalid, was completely healed by reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and attending the services.

In 1896 my trouble began with what the doctors said...

In 1896 my trouble began with what the doctors said was chronic dyspepsia and bowel trouble. I tried all the best of our home physicians, and they could do nothing for me.

Our little son, then three years old, was taken one morning...

Our little son, then three years old, was taken one morning with vomiting and fever, which soon grew worse, and in" a few hours he became unconscious. I wrote to our teacher and healer that morning, and mentioned the case, but did not ask for special treatment, as I thought I could make the demonstration myself, having been successful twice before when he had been taken in much the same way.

For the benefit of some poor mortal who may be hesitating between materia medica and Christian Science. I will give two experiences I had with the same disease, one under the care of physicians and the other under Christian Science, and note the difference in the two methods.

It is sometimes asked if Christian Science treatment can be relied on in acute cases. I am glad to give the following proof of its power on such occasions.