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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

In November, 1890, my wife and I began taking treatments in Christian Science. My wife had suffered from rupture, and other claims, for more than twenty years.

A stranger to the Truth said to me recently, "I am much interested in Christian Science. Can you tell me of any positive cures or demonstrations by Christian Science treatment?" "Most certainly I can," I replied, naming many instances of so-called disease in its most alarming manifestations; among them, fractured knee-pan, congestion of lungs, severe inflammation of stomach and bowels, diphtheria, inflammatory rheumatism and asthma; all made whole by a few treatments.

A few years ago, I joyfully perceived in Christian Science the promised Comforter. Until then I had long been despondent, hating this mortal life (this routine for self), and was barely able to go through with it, even including Church going—so tired mentally! Yet because I thought God had made it, and had put me here, I kept on, thinking (for five years) I had to wear glasses to see; had to be deaf; could remember nothing; had to be too nervous to write legibly; to lie down and rest, if I swept a room, and so on, until I heard the voice of Truth call, to halt; "Be still, and know that I am God!" The light of understanding came to me, through the revelation from our Teacher, presented to the world in Science and Health.

According to mortal belief, I never had the gift of expressing my thoughts; but through the understanding of Christian Science we learn that we are Spiritual, and are "governed by divine Intelligence; that our Father guides His children to do all things right. The more we realize of this grand Truth, the more we see the nothingness of mortal belief.

I have often felt that I would like to send my bit of experience to the Journal; but have put it off for a more favorable opportunity, thinking that anything I might write would do no good, and that I had better keep still and let those with more experience do that kind of work. Reading the open letters in the last Journal made me think that such reasoning was a claim of error which ought to be overcome, and that because some one else could do better than I, did not in any way excuse me from doing what little I could.

Previous to three years ago last February, I was a member of the Methodist church of Canada, and had been from the time I was able to understand anything of what religion meant (at least as it was viewed by that people). While I tried to live a consistent, godly life, during these years, how often that "aching void" filled my breast, till I would cry out for deliverance and for light.

I was called a few days ago to see a child who was given up to die by two physicians. The parents becoming very much alarmed, decided to try Christian Science, as a last resort.

As Christian Science has done so much for me, I have a longing to share my blessing with others. For more than forty years I have suffered greatly from lameness, and for sixteen years have been compelled to depend on crutches.

At the age of forty-nine I was a complete wreck, the victim of dyspepsia and chronic rheumatism. The last straw came when I was badly injured by the kick of a horse.

My uncle—seventy four years of age—has been spending some time with me. Before returning to his home, with his daughter, he expressed much regret that he should be obliged to lose the Bible lessons.