Testimonies of Healing
At three years of age, measles left me with hip disease; and at eight, the hip became dislocated. The best surgeons treated me, but failed to benefit.
I Have been a teacher in this State nineteen years. Taught continuously till my school closed last June.
About two years ago, my attention was first called to Christian Science and what it could do for man; but I had no sooner heard of it than I came to the conclusion that it was a genuine humbug, and that any one who practised it should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What did I know about Christian Science? Just simply nothing.
I Have known of this blessed Science for four years, and it has been of untold value to me. I have been a great sufferer for many years; was considered delicate all my life, and had lain in bed five years with the severest kind of suffering.
For twenty-four years I have been a constant sufferer from a complication of other complaints with lung trouble. To complete my downfall, last winter I was taken with La Grippe.
I was at the end of the line of materia medica some four years ago, and despair faced me, when a friend said: "Investigate Christian Science. " I was disgusted; still, I thought, "I'll read the book, and tell D— I have done so, and then she will be satisfied.
For eight long years I searched for health, and found it not. Each and every physician told me the same story, viz: that I was diseased in every organ, and when free from pain ought to be satisfied, for I could never be strong; but none of them could even free me from the pain.
For years I have suffered from numerous beliefs, and last year I grew worse. The doctor said I had Bright's Disease, but might live sometime.
I have been healed by God, through the understanding of Christian Science. My case was for five years known all over the country; and when I was raised from my bed, everyone wondered.
A few weeks ago, I was attacked with a cold; then came the cough that I was always bothered with. I spent night after night in the garden of Gethsemane.