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Testimonies of Healing

I Have known of this blessed Science for four years, and it...

From the April 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Have known of this blessed Science for four years, and it has been of untold value to me. I have been a great sufferer for many years; was considered delicate all my life, and had lain in bed five years with the severest kind of suffering. Sometimes I would lie for weeks at a time unable to move myself, and experience greatest suffering whenever I had to be moved by some one else; and I know all that doctors and medicine could do, was done for me. I had as good medical doctors as could be obtained anywhere, but they failed to help me. I had been a member of the church for a number of years, and a child of many earnest prayers, but I got no better.

There appeared an article in the newspaper about two or three persons being healed by Christian Science, and we knew them to be beyond the doctors' help; one was, in belief, in the last stage of consumption. This was the first we had ever heard of Christian Science. I thought, "If it has cured them perhaps it will help me," and concluded to try it at once. My father made inquiries, found out where the Christian Scientist was, and brought her to see me. She treated and talked to me a little, and such beautiful words! How sweet and comforting they sounded! I had never heard such words before, and they seemed to be just what I needed. My pain all left me, and I had such a sweet peaceful rest and sleep that night. The next day I said, "I feel so well that I want to sit up in the rocking chair while my bed is being made." I was lifted into the chair; but when my bed was finished I felt unwilling to lie down, and insisted in sitting up, until I sat up seven hours without ever lying down. Then my mother said to me, "You will overdo yourself"; but I said, "I am not afraid, I feel so well,"— but I went to bed. The next day to my surprise and that of all the family, I felt still better and stronger than the day before, and stood up on my feet. The next day I walked a few steps, and then kept on improving every day. In less than four months we moved out West.—

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