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Testimonies of Healing

About two years ago, my attention was first called to Christian Science...

From the April 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About two years ago, my attention was first called to Christian Science and what it could do for man; but I had no sooner heard of it than I came to the conclusion that it was a genuine humbug, and that any one who practised it should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. What did I know about Christian Science? Just simply nothing. My sister, whom a council of doctors had pronounced beyond the reach of medical aid, had gone to M —— to be treated by a Christian Scientist, as a last resort; but it was my firm conviction, at that time, that if good doctors and medicine could not cure her, nothing could.

Upon her return home I saw, or thought I saw, a change for the better, which I reluctantly admitted; but she was satisfied that she had found the straight road. We soon had a copy of Science and Health, and I went to work in earnest,— to work out my salvation, through Truth. Up to this time I had always thought I was about as good as the average man, although I had committed almost every sin in thought, if not in deed.

I was afflicted with numerous chronic ailments, and besides, with every west wind, I had the sorest of sore throats; was also unable to read without glasses. I denied all these claims faithfully to the best of my understanding for about three months, without any change— except for the worse. I was often tempted to give up, as the claims of pain seemed too real to deny; but I held fast, and never once did I turn back. Within the next three months I was freed from all the aforementioned claims, except that of poor eyesight.

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