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Testimonies of Healing

For years I have been a victim of rheumatism, and for months...

From the April 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For years I have been a victim of rheumatism, and for months have been confined to the bed. In addition to this claim, in October, 1891, pleuro-pneumonia set in; and, as days passed by, I became weaker and weaker, and I could neither eat nor sleep. Drugs could do no more for me. Morphine alone was administered, and my friends looked for the end which soon must come; but, from behind that dark curtain of death, there flashed a glorious light. Christian Science came to the rescue at the eleventh hour. Well I remember how the stupor from morphine, and the pain passed away. I was as one raised from the dead. Strength again took possession of my limbs. I arose from my bed, and, within one half hour after treatment, I was dressed and partaking of a meal, after six days' fast. My healer has furnished me with a copy of Science and Health, and I now know that God is mightier than drugs.— ,

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