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We are sons of the King of kings and the Lord of lords...

From the April 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We are sons of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. For centuries this proclamation has fallen upon unhearing ears; and in consequence man has worked in chains, and with the brand of the slave upon him,— the mark of the master whom he served. "We are children of the Most High," continues the refrain; yet man toils on with no reward save pain, weariness, scourgings.

One bowed under the yoke of bondage, but rebellious, hears something within say to him, "A better lot surely is mine;" and a "still small voice" whispers, "We are children of the Most High." He hears as if spoken in trumpet tones. He rises, casts off his chains, and steps forth; no longer a bondslave, but a freeman, son of the Most High, free born! "He is not here, he is risen."

It is said that the seed of him who has heard and obeyed this call to the sons of the Most High, shall be as the sands of the sea. Many more shall hear the heavenly word, "We are sons of the King of kings and the Lord of lords," and rise from slavery to freedom, from sin to holiness. It is the song the morning stars sang together. It is the voice of the "heavens declaring His glory, and the firmament showing forth his handiwork." It is the Christ that said: "Before Abraham was, I am." Whenever and wherever this glorious message is heard and heeded, the "Christ is risen."

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