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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

For the cause of Truth I submit the following, trusting that it may bring one more at least into the fold of Divine Science. I was a hopeless invalid for seven years, during which time I was treated by fourteen different physicians for what they were pleased to term a complication of diseases; but, Materia Medica was baffled, and I only obtained at times temporary relief.

Twelve years ago I became interested in Christian Science and have demonstrated over mortal beliefs. So far have not used any material remedies; and, though in belief I have passed through many struggles, I have never seen the time that I was willing to give up Christian Science.

I was  directed to come to Hot Springs and use the water for medicinal purposes, as I was afflicted with a complication of beliefs. Having talked with people who had used the water for months with no relief yet, I had no faith in it.

The following is a demonstration of the power of Truth to heal morally and Spiritually as well as physically. A man who was called an infidel—in belief very profane in his talking, also a slave to appetite for both whiskey and tobacco—came as an invalid for physical healing.

Calling to see a friend, and finding her in belief very ill (having been under the care of a Physician for months. ) I told her of Christian Science, feeling confident that what had done so much for me would do the same for her.

I enclose you a testimonial from one whose case is the most...

I enclose you a testimonial from one whose case is the most marked and best known in the city—yet whose pastor calls it the "work of the devil," and claims he had rather his daughter would lie sick than be healed that way:— For eighteen months, I was a wretched sufferer, confined to the bed with what the doctors called spinal disease. Was in the hospital six months, and had surgical operations; but all to no purpose.

For many years I had been an invalid; and, from an injury to the knee, used crutches eight years. Later on, a fall crippled the well limb, rendering me perfectly helpless, through loss of nerve power, caused by neuralgia of the optic nerve, I was unable to use my eyes for sixteen years.

A gentleman who came to me for treatments, was unable to attend to business; had been treated by the M. D.

A Christian Scientist some time since came here on a visit, and a neighbor of mine sent for her. This lady has been bed-fast for ten years; has been in the best hospitals and otherwise under the care of most celebrated physicians; and has been operated upon six times—all without benefit.

Thank God, our Father, that through Christian Science my husband and I have been lifted out of the narrow channel of human conception, up to the higher ocean of His Love, and Life which never dies! For twelve years, my husband had suffered intensely with belief of malignant cancer. All our means (?) were consumed by the best physicians and surgeons, who did him no good.