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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

About twenty months ago, my attention was directed to Science and Health. Being at the time, and having been for years previous, a subject of many beliefs in sin and sickness; and having tried in vain to find help in either orthodoxy (which I had in abundance) or in medicine (which I had tested to the utmost) I eagerly perused its pages and pondered over its meaning.

Two years ago last September, after an illness of five years, I was healed in Christian Science. A great part of that time, I had suffered more than language can tell, not closing my eyes in sleep for three weeks at a time.

Healed at Sunday School

Healed at Sunday School. In July, 1889, I learned that Christian Scientists were holding Sabbath school near my home.

For twenty-two years I had been a sufferer from several diseases; and had tried ten different doctors. None of them could cure me; they could only give me relief for a while, and then the medicine would have no more effect on me.

We took passage by steamship from Savannah to New York. When we went, the ocean was very smooth, but when we returned, the captain said it was the roughest it had been in two years.

I had been a sufferer for three years

I had been a sufferer for three years. Tried five physicians in Sioux City, with no relief; then they advised "change of climate," still no relief.

Four weeks ago I was not able to do any work on account of...

Four weeks ago I was not able to do any work on account of a belief of sprained cords in my wrist and arm. I used drugs but they did no good, so I quit them and went to my work in the shop (blacksmith).

It is with unbounded gratitude that I give my testimony to...

It is with unbounded gratitude that I give my testimony to the power of Truth over the darkness of human belief. Having had demonstrations in my own family, I feel that I should do all I can to acknowledge the power of Christ, as taught and demonstrated in Christian Science, to overcome all darkness of thought, sin, sickness, and death.

We desire to express through the Journal our heartfelt thanks for what Christian Science has done for us. I have been affected with beliefs of illness from childhood, at times suffering so that I was confined to my bed for weeks.

A lady tells me the following little anecdote about her Sunday-school class: "I asked the question: 'What is God's medicine for error of every sort?' A little 'tot' not quite three years old, made answer: 'If 'oo p'ease, 'in, it's Love ?" This lady says the children learn Christian Science very readily; that they love Science and Health, and do not find it hard to understand. This shows the increasing spirituality of the age.