Before I was healed of many infirmities, of twenty years standing, my eyesight began to fail me, in belief. I have been able to demonstrate over this seeming, in a great degree. After I began to write the Bible lessons, I was obliged to write, many times, through the entire evening. At first, I felt that there was an unusual strain on my eyes; but I have been able to demonstrate over that lie; and after four months I see better than at the beginning of these months.
I have played the piano since a young girl; but have always been confined to my music. About five years ago, I noticed my eyes were slow to recognize the notes. Sharps and accidentals were often confusing, as I did not instantly perceive their difference, especially by lamp-light. That error, in belief, I have also demonstrated over. Some days I am obliged to use my eyes in reading, writing, practising, and sewing from nine o'clock in the morning, till the same hour in the evening, and often much later. Surely, God is Love.—