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From the June 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So much has been said and written on the question of the relation of Science and Health to the Bible, and also as to its authority as absolute Truth, that I have decided to present some thoughts which have greatly aided my students and church to a clearer understanding of this all-important subject.

All who teach Christian Science are aware of the existence of the belief in mortal mind, that with the last book of the New Testament revelation ceased.

While many accept gladly the teachings of Science and Health, they hesitate to avow, even to themselves, its right to a place with the sacred Scriptures; and because of this hesitancy,— which is really a spell of belief held over them, — their progress, which ought to be rapid, is slow indeed. All such would do well to remember that the Jewish church does not yet accept that which is most used, and considered most valuable in the Christian church, the New Testament writings.

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