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From the June 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recently, at a dinner-table, the subject of Christian Science was introduced by a child, which led to the discussion of, or rather, opposition to the idea with much vehemence, by one who sat at the table. This seemed occasioned, largely, by the child's acceptance, in sweet simplicity, of the idea as true. But it was noted that the objections raised were formulated in blind resistance to it, as if it were actually an evil that was detestable, and should be destroyed, if possible. The scientist present replied that Christian Science ought to be welcomed, for it surely was true; he having been the recipient of its goodness and healing power. The subject was soon dropped, but the question appeared in thought, "Why such objection to Christian Science?" What, in substance, is its message to mankind that it should meet such opposition? Does its coming propose to take away liberties, usefulness, value in society, anything that is good? Does it lead to any kind of slavery, fanaticism, one-sided, unbalanced views of life; or to anything that is known to humanity as evil, selfish or wicked? Not at all.

Its message is accompanied with the proof of its Truth, manifest in demonstration that heals the sick, casts out demons, destroys sin, brings unspeakable happiness to its true hearers and receivers, thus actually and practically bringing heaven to our very doors and homes.

Now, why should any object to this? Why not receive it? Is not this good news indeed? Is it not what Christ, in the person of the lowly and humble Jesus, taught and exemplified, making plain and explicit to his true followers how they must be as their Master in all things? Is it not what all the Bible teaches? The question comes to mind, How many are saying "No" to this angel of peace and goodwill?

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