By the glorious light and understanding of Truth, as revealed to me through Christian Science, that "God is all, and there is none beside Him," I have been raised from death unto life."
Suffering intensely from tumor, my physicians told me my only chance was in a surgical operation, and I was taken to the hospital for that purpose. Upon examination it was decided that even that chance was gone, and nothing now was left for me but to go home and die. That move was made, and I was preparing to take a final leave of all who were dear, when a letter was received from a sister, in a neighboring state, urging me to try Christian Science. Being unable to find a Scientist near, she was accordingly telegraphed to, and the reply came that a Scientist there would give me absent treatments, beginning at once. From that time I began to improve, and very soon was able to travel six hundred miles to visit my healer. To-day I am a well woman; doing my own work, and very happy in the Love that destroys all sense of suffering and discord.—