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Testimonies of Healing

All my life, except for a few transient sunbeams of...

From the October 1900 issue of The Christian Science Journal

All my life, except for a few transient sunbeams of health, I had been a great sufferer, and have endured many things at the hands of innumerable doctors, who, no doubt, meant well, and did all in their power to relieve me, but without success.

Fifteen months ago, I heard of Christian Science, and was only too thankful to avail myself of treatment, for I had lost all faith in materia medica.

I placed myself under a practitioner in London, mentioning an old claim for which I desired treatment. And now, for the encouragement of others who may be passing through, or have passed through, a similar experience, I must say that after taking six weeks' treatment, I could not see any result, and therefore gave up the treatment. However, no word of Truth is spoken in vain, and by keeping steadily to my study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," at the end of seven months I was entirely healed of chronic indigestion and another internal complaint. I can now eat or drink anything at any hour of the day or night, without experiencing the slightest ill effects, whereas before I was most strictly dieted—soup, bread, cake, tea, coffee, fruit, almost every kind of vegetable, and all puddings, except baked custard, being absolutely forbidden, while there were doses many before and after all meals, and divers pellets at intervals during the day. But with all this, nights of misery and days of despair had been my portion.

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