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Testimonies of Healing

Last October my attention was first directed toward...

From the October 1900 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Last October my attention was first directed toward Christian Science with the desire to investigate. I had, of course, heard of it before, but had rather hazy ideas regarding the "peculiar people" who needed no medical attention in sickness.

I had been raised an atheist, but when converted over four years ago, became an earnest and devoted believer that the effectual, fervent prayer is answered of God, and have had many, many prayers answered beyond question or doubt. The one thing bothering me was to know, when a prayer was not answered, if the lack of answer was because of my lack, or because God did not will it to be so, and I finally concluded with the little girl, "God always answers prayer, but sometimes He says no, and sometimes yes." Doctrinal points I always avoided and evaded, because I believed that the Spirit would lead me into all Truth, and I could not understand the authority of a Church Board to interpret Scripture and make iron-clad laws regulating the conduct and belief of its followers.

When Christian Science was presented to me, I beheld at once the spiritual freedom which trespassed not upon my brother's freedom. Spirit the guide, Spirit the teacher, Spirit the Board of Control. Oh, it was all so grand, so beautiful, I accepted it at once and knew it was the food I had so long, and earnestly, and prayerfully sought for my spiritual being (which I now know is my only being).

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