Testimonies of Healing
Dearly beloved Journal : For over thirty years I was an invalid witness for Generalissimo, the ruler of mortal mind. I have become, through the regenerating power of Truth, a valid testator to the Mind which is in Christ.
To the Afflicted : I was a great sufferer for three years. I had been under the care of the best doctors, and tried change of climate, and was still in the worst condition.
I was troubled with heart-disease from the time I was sixteen years old, it being hereditary in my family. I was unable to do any kind of hard work, and I never could run, or take any violent exercise, without bringing on palpitation of the heart.
Dear Mrs Eddy: As speech has been so miraculously restored to me, I feel that I must use it in telling others of the great Truth, which has been demonstrated upon me, that healing power which all may find if they seek for it in the right direction. Ten years ago I received a terrible fright, which so shocked my nervous system that my voice entirely left me.
I wish to speak of a wonderful demonstration which came under my observation in the home of Mrs. E.
It is with emotions of mingled joy and regret that I pen the following lines: joy, that I, who have been an invalid for over twenty years, am now, and have been for several weeks, a well woman; regret, that the opinions of many ridicule the means by which I have gained health. I feel it a duty to my Creator, as well as to suffering humanity at large, to say, that after having tried physicians, springs, and patent medicines, receiving only temporary relief, I was persuaded to take Christian Science treatment of Mrs.
Dear Journal: I have wanted to relate my experience to you ever since your regular and welcome visits at our house began, and let you and the world know what the Science has done for me. It restored my husband, from a condition of complete wreck, to strong manhood.
Christian Science Journal: Please give the following testimony to the Truth. I was treated by Mrs.
Dear Journal: It is with the deepest feeling of gratitude that I submit the following statement in favor of Christian Science. For more than forty years I had been suffering with catarrh, which had caused (as the doctors assured me) throat-disease and deafness.
Dear Mrs. Eddy : I would like to speak to the suffering, through the Journal, and tell them what has been done for me, through Christian Science.